En otra nueva edicion de historias de Cybersex tengo otro encuentro con nuestra amiga Ilan Mizrahi, que obviamente no se entera que es la misma persona y que se estan burlando de ella. Aca otra nueva conversacion casi identica a la primera pero mas corta.
rafsct: hey
ilan_mizrahi: heeey :) how are u doing?
rafsct: I'm doing pretty well for a homeless guy living under a bridge
ilan_mizrahi: umm have we chatted before? cause ur on my buddy list..
rafsct: I got you pregnant
ilan_mizrahi: oh lol im sorry im kinda forgtful at times.. anyways, what r u up to?
rafsct: I'm building a nuclear bomb but it's in lego form
ilan_mizrahi: sooo are you busy?? wanna have some fun with me? ;) lol..
rafsct: Yeah I'm pretty much into crack whores now
ilan_mizrahi: lol.. mmmm yess!! :-) im turning my cam on if you wanna cam for a bit ;) i mean if you want to?
rafsct: I don't think Tom Cruise is gay
ilan_mizrahi: okie babe, im gunna send you a cam invite, go here http://mycamcall.com/XVUFCRUM and we can go 1 on 1...click the "Accept Invite" tab on the left..yup. the green 1!
rafsct: big tits
ilan_mizrahi: i registered here to have secure cam sessions.. just accept my invite babe, k?
rafsct: I would accept that the international comunity has to be better educated on syria and not be hypocritical. They are too scared of Russia and China but if Libya got helped, why not Syria? It's inexcusable also big tits
ilan_mizrahi: dont worry babe it doesnt cost anything.. all u have to do is register
thru my invite k?
rafsct: I got your registration right here
ilan_mizrahi: you'd better gimme some "gold" when ur on the site lol..its kinda like a flirt and I'd love some from you ..k? ;)
rafsct: Is it you Allan Iverson?
ilan_mizrahi: wanna go private with me :P ??
rafsct: Private Eyes, They're watching you, They see your every move *
ilan_mizrahi: k u in?
rafsct: you know it bitch
ilan_mizrahi: make me your bitch ;)
rafsct: don't be disrespectful to women
rafsct: you cunt
*Y por si no se acuerdan de donde viene la cancion que empeze a cantar aca es Private Eyes de Hall and Oates. Aca les dejo un bono para que se rian: El video de Private Eyes. Otra de la epoca de los 80, donde los videos valian dos pesos y se hacian en media hora.